full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Andrea Ghez: The hunt for a supermassive black hole

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So, to begin with, we need to understand what a black hole is so we can understand the proof of a black hole. So, what is a black hole? Well, in many ways a black hole is an incredibly simple object, because there are only three crctihrasitaces that you can describe: the mass, the spin, and the cahgre. And I'm going to only talk about the mass. So, in that ssnee, it's a very simple object. But in another sense, it's an incredibly complicated object that we need relatively eoixtc physics to describe, and in some sense represents the beakwordn of our pscihayl understanding of the universe.

Open Cloze

So, to begin with, we need to understand what a black hole is so we can understand the proof of a black hole. So, what is a black hole? Well, in many ways a black hole is an incredibly simple object, because there are only three _______________ that you can describe: the mass, the spin, and the ______. And I'm going to only talk about the mass. So, in that _____, it's a very simple object. But in another sense, it's an incredibly complicated object that we need relatively ______ physics to describe, and in some sense represents the _________ of our ________ understanding of the universe.


  1. charge
  2. breakdown
  3. sense
  4. characteristics
  5. exotic
  6. physical

Original Text

So, to begin with, we need to understand what a black hole is so we can understand the proof of a black hole. So, what is a black hole? Well, in many ways a black hole is an incredibly simple object, because there are only three characteristics that you can describe: the mass, the spin, and the charge. And I'm going to only talk about the mass. So, in that sense, it's a very simple object. But in another sense, it's an incredibly complicated object that we need relatively exotic physics to describe, and in some sense represents the breakdown of our physical understanding of the universe.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
black hole 34
supermassive black 16
black holes 12
schwarzschild radius 7
ordinary black 4
finite size 2
gravity wins 2
schwarzschild radii 2
star light 2
active galactic 2
galactic nuclei 2
small volume 2
campaign promise 2
continuously moving 2
million times 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
supermassive black holes 8
supermassive black hole 6
ordinary black hole 3
active galactic nuclei 2

Important Words

  1. black
  2. breakdown
  3. characteristics
  4. charge
  5. complicated
  6. describe
  7. exotic
  8. hole
  9. incredibly
  10. mass
  11. object
  12. physical
  13. physics
  14. proof
  15. represents
  16. sense
  17. simple
  18. spin
  19. talk
  20. understand
  21. understanding
  22. universe
  23. ways